$ADX is the Governance and Revenue Share Token. There are a total of 1 Billion (1,000,000,000) tokens. The token is divisible up to 6 decimal places.
Last updated
$ADX is the Governance and Revenue Share Token. There are a total of 1 Billion (1,000,000,000) tokens. The token is divisible up to 6 decimal places.
Last updated
ADX is Adrena's revenue share and governance token that is freely tradable on the open market. It is designed to align holders with the long term success of the protocol by conferring direct economic and control benefits.
Contract Address: AuQaustGiaqxRvj2gtCdrd22PBzTn8kM3kEPEkZCtuDw
ADX entitles the holder to receive a direct share of 20% of fees. This revenue is distributed to ADX holders in USDC. Duration Locked ADX additionally receives ADX rewards and multipliers on both USDC revenue and ADX rewards
1 ADX = 1 vote. You must stake your $ADX to vote on proposals. You may also Duration Lock $ADX which receives vote multipliers for increased voting power.
You may liquid stake your $ADX in order to earn $USDC, and voting rights. These can be unstaked at any time without any consequences. Duration Locking your ADX earns additional yield, rewards, and voting power multipliers based on the length of time you choose to lock. Longer locks earn more, rewarding more long term aligned holders.
Duration Locked ADX can be prematurely unlocked by forfeiting part of principal (amount depending on the duration of the remaining lock). This forfeited ADX is automatically burned. See Staking and Locked Stake Parameters for more information.
Staked ADX that isn't Duration Locked can be claimed at any time without a waiting period.