🏦Staking Implementation Details

This page aims at giving some insights into how the staking works from a more technical perspective.

If you want to know more about staking options at a high level, see Staking.

If you want to know more about the tokenomics, see Tokenomics.

Adrena and its 100% revenue sharing is all about redistributing revenues as the core feature of the platform. A big chunk of that is done through ALP (pool's share) appreciation, as most of the fee revenues go back to the pool directly.

The exact distribution is as follow:

  • 70% for ALP (liquid)

    • shared with ALP Locked Stakers

  • 30% for ADX

    • 10% for open market ADX buybacks

    • 20% for ADX Stakers (liquid and locked)

About Locked Staking

Adrena offers the possibility to Lock Stake, aligning with the protocol long term strategy. By doing so, users get amplified revenue share (at the detriment of non Locked Stakers on USDC yield, not for ADX bonuses).

Let's take the case of ALP for an example:

Starting conditions:

  • 1000 ALP token circulating

    • 800 un-Staked

    • 100 Staked 180 days

    • 100 Staked 360 days

100$ of revenue is to be distributed this round to ALP.

  • 800 ALP un-Staked <=> 800

  • 100 ALP Staked 180 days <=> 100 * 1.75 (175)

  • 100 ALP Staked 360 days <=> 100 * 2.50 (250)

Total weight is 800 + 175 + 250 (1225)

And so final distribution is

  • 1000/1225 * 100$ -> to the LP pool (all ALP appreciating)

  • 75/1225 * 100$ going as bonus USDC yield to ALP 180 days Stakers

  • 150/1225 * 100$ going as bonus USDC yield to ALP 360 days Stakers

About Staking Rounds

Rewards accrues as time passes, and actions are carried on the platform. But the actual rewards are accumulated and distributed in rounds in order to batch operations together.

During a round, vaults accrue rewards, and all stakes that were existing at the start of the round (and until the end) will qualify for the reward of that round.

Last updated