🍯Ways to Earn Overview

This page goes over all of the ways to earn yield on the Adrena platform

There are two forms of yield on Adrena.

  1. Real yield which is realized from platform fees

  2. $ADX emissions

Providing Liquidity

Users can mint $ALP to earn 70% of the platform fees. This is realized through value accrual in the $ALP token - meaning fees go back into the pool to increase the price of $ALP. You can also realize additional USDC and $ADX rewards by staking your $ALP for different lock periods. (See $ALP and Staking)


  • $ADX

    You can stake your $ADX on our Earn page. 20% of the platform fees are paid out to $ADX stakers. Additionally, $ADX stakers earn voting power (see Governance and Governance Shadow Token) and additional $ADX rewards. You can also earn additional yield for locking your stake for longer periods of time. Check out our Staking Page for a detailed breakdown of the locking tiers for boosted rewards.

  • $ALP You can stake your $ALP on our Earn page. Whether you decide to stake your $ALP or not, both liquid $ALP and staked $ALP (for any duration) accrue value from the increase in $ALP price due to the fees going back into the pool. Beyond that, you can choose to lock your stake for longer periods of time for additional multipliers in revenue paid out in both $USDC and $ADX. Check out our Staking Page for a detailed breakdown of the locking tiers for boosted rewards.

Last updated